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Global Intention

"We are activating a collective intention to raise the field of love, compassion and healing for those who are suffering and for our planet. We invite you to become part of this global movement , gathering in daily practices and intentions conducted by spiritual guides and teachers."

I begyndelsen af maj måned, med baggrund i coronapandemien, ankom ovenstående invitation til Vækstcenteret.

På den baggrund bidrager Vækstcenteret til GLOBAL INTENTION initativet med en lille video med Jes Bertelsens: 'Open letter to all practitioner'.

På en engelsk sektion på hjemmesiden findes supplerende ressourcer, øvelser og artikler til inspiration og støtte.


I know we all have been thinking about how to be in service and help on these challenging moments for humanity, and we are all doing many things on many fronts for sure.
After many conversations, reflective and meditative moments, we came up with the idea to activate a collective intention to raise the field of love, compassion and healing for those who are suffering and for our planet.

We believe that collectively we can raise the field of love, compassion and healing for those who are suffering.

The purpose of this invitation is to join collectively in daily practices and intentions, for anyone to tune with a global field of prayers, meditations, and any other spiritual devotion. Feeling and visualizing ourselves as part of a connected and shared humanity every day.
I realize that for an immense amount of people these teachings are not available, whether they do not know they exist, or they do not know where to find a path.
The invitation for all is to become part of a global field during the month of May and June, starting on May 1st, 2020.

We aim to offer accessible and free access to spiritual practices and inspiration, for well-being of self and others.
We aim to share more guided practices, expanding to other faiths and devotions. The intention is for everyone to be able to join this movement.

The invitation is to spread and expand this initiative through your networks, and social networks and web sites.

Invitationen kom fra Claudia Madrazo, som ved FNs initiativet Dialogue and Reflection on Enhancing Human Flourishing within the Sustainable Development Agenda (2015-2030) og Social Art Studio/Social Presencing Theatre projekter, er en del af Vækstcenterets udvidede internationale netværk og samarbejdsrelationer.